Looks like a good morning for a road trip.
We drove two and a half hours into Bruges Belgium today.
(anybody see the movie) haha http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruges
The infamous tower from the movie "In Bruges." There are 366 steps and it was built in 12th century
This church was built in 1157. It is one of the 16 Catholic Churches in the city of Bruges. |
The 12th-century basilica is located in the Burg square and consists of a lower and upper chapel. The lower chapel dedicated to St. Basil the Great is a dark Romanesque structure that remains virtually unchanged. The venerated relic is in the upper chapel, which was rebuilt in the Gothic style during the 16th century and renovated multiple times during the 19th century in Gothic Revival style."
What was once the Provincial Palace has been the post office since 1887.
Bruges is famous for their mussels, beer and waffles. I
did two out of three. :-)
Not sure what this is, but it is a cool statue.

We found the coolest hostel bar, "Charlie Rockets." (Rob said he had the best beer of the trip here, St. Augestines).
Belgium Waffles - duh
No words necessary.
Another secret find
I bought a few gifts in this shop :-)
The canal near our hotel.
We stumbled into this secret courtyard.
No alcohol involved, honest